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Registration Open!

Registration Open!

White Stars Illustration


white star glow effect
Decorative Floral Mandala Illustration
Star glare
white star lens flare
white star lens flare
white star glow effect
white star lens flare
white star glow effect
white star glow effect
white star lens flare
white star lens flare
white star glow effect
white star lens flare

International Conference on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices

Decorative Floral Mandala Illustration
Oriental Waves Pattern Background
Decorative Floral Mandala Illustration
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white star lens flare
Bold Organic Stars
Bold Organic Stars
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University of the Philippines

University of the Philippines

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Ahmad Dahlan


Ahmad Dahlan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

University of

South Africa

University of

South Africa

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4th International Conference on

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices

4th International Conference on

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices

22 - 24 October 2024

22 - 24 October 2024

Hyatt Regency, Cape Town, South Africa

Hyatt Regency, Cape Town, South Africa



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The Politics of

The Politics of



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Critical engagement

with knowledge production

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2024 Conference

2024 Conference

The Politics of Knowledge

Knowledge is political. Specific knowers and knowledges are deemed legitimate or ​illegitimate by dominant systems of power. Therefore, to control what should be ​known and who is able to know forms part of the global order. Indigenous ​knowledges can reveal to us ways of knowing and being which exist outside of the ​prevailing Empires of Knowledge. Bringing together a host of scholars, ​practitioners, students, artists, and activists from around the world, the 4th ​International Conference on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) ​serves as a platform for engaging critically with knowledge-making and the ​philosophical underpinnings of what it means to produce knowledge in the world ​today. The IKSP strives towards an ethos of curiosity and trans-disciplinarity, ​where conference attendees are encouraged to challenge and engage critically with ​how knowledge practices and knowledge systems are constituted, and what it ​would mean to privilege indigenous knowledges and practices. We hope that you ​will join us in South Africa for what promises to be a fruitful, stirring, and deeply ​educational experience.

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Dark skin man reading

The politics surrounding knowledge

Woman Wellness Relax Self Care Illustration

Indigenous knowledge and decolonisation

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Registration Open!

Registration Open!

Account Details

Account Type:

Branch Code:

Account No:

Public Sector Business Account


Branch Name:

627 996 275 03

Sunny park

Please send Proof of Payment to the

Please note that each attendee needs to use the below reference with their initials and surname for us to trace each ​payment:


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Abstract Guide

Abstract Guide

Presentation Types
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Oral presentations

Share the major points and highlights of the study, project or programme in a 20 min slot. The first 15 minutes are for the presentation, and the last 5 minutes are for questions from, and discussions with, the audience. A PowerPoint presentation must be prepared by the presenter and projected during the presentation.

Poster presentations

Poster presentations allow a presenter to share a brief overview of their study, project or programme. Posters must be developed and printed by the presenter. They will be placed in the poster gallery for the duration of the Conference. During the allocated presentation session, the presenter uses their poster to share the major points the study. The presentation session is limited to a 20 min slot

Organised Sessions

Organised sessions are held in break-away rooms with groups of delegates. The format of the session is determined by the organiser. Usually this session is presented as a workshop, panel discussion, roundtable, debate, etc. Other innovative formats that encourage participation of delegates are welcome.

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General Guidelines

  • All abstracts must be submitted online.
  • Abstracts must be informative and report on ongoing or completed work.
  • It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract, and to include all applicable supervisors and/or co-authors.
  • Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
  • Abstract submission deadline 31July.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed, and the final selection made by the Conference Committee.
  • Allocated session times are aligned to international conference time limits, and must be adhered to.
  • Notification of acceptance or decline will be sent via email
  • Accepted abstracts will only be included in the conference programme once registration, and payment of the registration fee, is completed.
  • All presenters must be registered to attend the conference
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Registration Fees

Registration Fees

Student Registration Fee

Early-bird Registration Fee

Standard Registration Fee



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Early bird special ends 31 Aug

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Conference Details

Conference Details

This conference is open to anyone The target audience is scholars practitioners students artists and activists from diverse backgrounds

Conference Dates

22 - 24 October 2024

Abstract Submission

Opening: 1 June | Closing: 31 July

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Keynote Speakers

Public Speaking Line Art
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Guest Speakers

Prof. Thenjiwe Meyiwa

(University of South Africa)

Prof. Zerish Nkosi

(University of South Africa)

Prof. Bosire Onyancha

(University of South Africa)

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Guest Speakers

Prof. Leonardo Estacio Jr

(University of the Philippines Manilla)

Prof. Elli Nur Hayati

(University Ahmad Dahlan)

Prof. MA Teresa Guzman

(University of the Philippines Manilla)

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Prof. Puleng Segalo

(University of South Africa)

Prof. Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo

( University of Bremen)

Prof. Haidar Eid

(al-Aqsa University, Gaza)

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Dr Nick Malherbe
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Conference Organisers

Conference Organisers

UNISA S Institute for Social and Health Sciences ISHS UNISA SAMRC Violence Injury and Social Asymmetries Research Unit VISARU
Prof Naiema Taliep
Dr Ghouwa Ismail

Senior Researcher & Registered Research Psychologist

Senior Researcher Specializing in Psychology

Senior Researcher & Registered Research Psychologist

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Meet the Keynote Speakers

Meet the Keynote Speakers

Prof Puleng Segalo

Prof. Segalo is a Chief Luthuli Research Chair and a professor of psychology at Unisa. Her research interests include intersection of community psychology, the arts, and gender. Her work focuses navigating historical traumas personally and in communities. She approached trauma as a relational experience, affecting individuals and their connections. This research seeks reconciliation, social justice and psychological healing

Prof Rosa Cordillera A Castillo

Prof Castillo is a socio-cultural ​anthropologist and curator at the University ​of Bremen. She works on social justice ​issues through interdisciplinary research, ​teaching, and multi-media knowledge ​transfer and praxis. Straddling academic, ​artistic, and activist practices, her work ​spans critical areas of memory, imagination, ​media and politics, political emotions, ​solidarity, ethics, and decoloniality..

Prof Haidar Eid

Prof. Haidar Eid is Associate Professor of Postcolonial and Postmodern Literature at Gaza’s al-Aqsa University. He has written widely on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and has published papers on cultural studies and literature in a number of journals. Haidar is the author of Worlding Postmodernism: Interpretive Possibilities of Critical Theory and Countering The Palestinian Nakba: One State For All.

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Prof Thenjiwe Meyiwa
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Other Guest Speakers

Other Guest Speakers

Prof Bosire Onyancha
Prof Zerish Nkosi


Vice Principal, Research, Postgraduate Studies, Innovation and Commercialisation


Head of Graduate Studies and Research


Executive Dean of the College of Human Sciences

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Prof Leonardo Estacio Jr

University of the Philippines


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University of the Philippines Manilla

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Prof Ma Teresa G De Guzman
Prof Elli Nur Hayati


Ahmad Dahlan

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Check out these IKSP memories!

Check out these IKSP memories!

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Questions or Comments?

Questions or Comments?
